Frequently Asked Questions

-  How long do I need to be out for treatment?
We ask that you and your pets are out at least 8 hours for a full treatment. There are special accommodations and circumstances that may need addressed, so time out could change. But, per most product labels, all insecticides should have dried and aired completely before returning and 8 hours is a dependable time frame.

Why am I still seeing live bed bugs after treatment?

Our treatment method works by killing bed bugs over a period of time. It isn't uncommon to see live bed bugs after the first and second treatment, but there will be visible physical differences between healthy and poisoned bed bugs (unfed and flat, moving slow, discolored). Under normal conditions, all bed bugs should have these differences after the second treatment. All live bed bugs found should be reported and their locations noted to your service technician.

How long have I had bed bugs?

This question is almost impossible to answer, but we can roughly estimate how long you've had them by the population size. There are many factors that can effect infestation types. 

Do bed bugs jump?

As far as we know, bed bugs are not equipped to jump, but bed bugs are successful hitchhikers and adapted to travel with their hosts undetected. They are also able to drop from higher positions like ceilings. Most of the time, you will pick up bed bugs from furniture where you rest, or from infested items you've picked up. 

How long does the treatment take?

Treatment time depends on the condition and size of the home, preparation quality, number of items, and severity of infestation. For two service technicians, ideal circumstances, and single family homes, the treatment may take 1 hour. 

Is all of this preparation necessary? 

Preparation is vital to eliminating bed bugs cost effectively and in a timely manner. There are circumstances when preparation requirements can be relaxed, but the more the better! Clutter and a lack of preparation provides bed bugs with places to hide and may prolong the treatment process.

The key to preparing successfully is planning and tackling one project at a time. If you try too many tasks at once or procrastinate, you will most likely overwhelm yourself. A lack of preparation may result in more treatments. 

I've heard only heat works to kill bed bugs, is that true?

No. We hear this statement all too much and this adds up to effective marketing. Heat will kill bed bugs, but it is not the only way. We successfully eradicate bed bugs on a daily basis with integrated pest management strategies, insecticides, and physical methods of removing bed bugs. We have chosen our method of treatment because it's safe, effective, cost efficient, and there's less hassle for our customers. 

Why is only one person getting bites?

On a daily basis, we spend time with customers who are experiencing bed bugs. We hear their stories and share in their burden. A common theme among them is that some people are getting bites and some are not. We believe this phenomenon may occur for several reasons: people react differently to bed bug bites (some don't react at all and some react violently!), bed bugs may prefer one person's blood over another (research shows that mosquitoes may do the same), and conditions may be ideal for bed bugs to feed on one person over another (sleeping habits and areas may effect you). Regardless, if you react to bed bug bites, you will be a good indicator of successful eradication! 

Why do you treat the whole house?

We always attempt to treat the whole home. Bed bugs are usually within 10 feet or less of resting areas, but they are hitchhikers and their reproduction habits also make them prone to spreading out. For example, one of the most common areas we find stray bed bugs are in bathrooms because it's usually the first stop out of bed!  As infestations increase in size, we've noted bed bugs all throughout the home. Treating the whole home gives us the confidence the job is done right! 

Do bed bugs feed on pets?

Most likely not. Bed bugs prefer humans like fleas prefer pets and we've never noted bed bugs in pet sleeping areas. If you see bed bugs on your pets, please let your service technician know. 

Do I need to get rid of my furniture?

We rarely recommend getting rid of furniture. The only times we recommend removing furniture are in heavy infestations when the cost of treating would exceed the cost of replacement or if certain items would impede progress. Almost all items can be saved, but some infested items may prolong the process. 

-  Where did I get bed bugs?
Most of the time, people pick up bed bugs from infested furniture where we rest, from infested items we take home, or from visitors that have bed bugs. In most cases, no one knows where the bugs came from. Unfortunately, this problem is growing and our public spaces are vulnerable. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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